Patio of Light (Prince & Princess)
The prince of sun attends to the patio of light
A golden crown that spins the world around.
The crown jewel for all the stars of the night
When day wears dim he settles his head down.
The Princess splashes sparkles from the sea
Her golden hair flows out towards the sun.
In her many changing paterns life repleat and free
With her dusk and mystery sun falls into her lap.
We hear them go skipping in the waves
We see them in passion colors set.
We taste their salt water kisses
We feel them when our feet get wet.
Run down the long beach that knows no time
Soak into your soul the old sun’s star shine.
The prince of the sun. In the western sky conducts his ceremonies. He places copal incense upon coals sending prayers to the four directions. His golden arrows fall to the sea lighting the edges of the clouds as they pass by. Hummingbirds attend to his golden flowers as his green corn feathers stream from his crown. His vision does not stray although he hears the call of the sea maiden beckoning him to rest in her patio of mist and listen to the laughing of the waves. He intones, “I with golden bells on my ankles. With golden rays upon my heart. it is I who must attend to the altar of the heavens.
The princess of the sea. In the turquoise patios of azure. With sprays of stars braided into her hair. Jewel drops of every flower color she wears next to her skin. She attends her ceremonies for the tides to pull up and down the tapestries of the sea where waves go laughing. She pulls the seasons with her moons and calls all the stars to sleep through the day beneath her oceans. She calls to the sun who fills her heart with light. “Come settle your head gently in my lap. Let all the lands you light roll gently into sleep. I will rock you my one so you too will grow stronger to light the next day.” Upon the morning next, to the East bird song filled the sky as the lands rolled over to face the new sun. We look to the sea. We look to the sun. With tears of joy.
Posted in Art, Available, Featured, Mother Ocean